If you are wondering how this page came about or generally curious, read on.

I have been writing since 2012, mostly my thoughts about politics, education, sports and football. Writing helped me clear my thoughts and share them to the world. I aimed to spark honest, forward-moving, agree-disagree conversations with my friends, and it was acting as icebreakers in grad school. So far, So good.

As my posts grew, I got distracted and spent the time to enhance aesthetics by adding widgets, RSS feed, creating ad sense account and customising the website regularly.

I continued this on Blogspot and moved to WordPress, where I wrote 2 blogs, the additional one was to write the managerial journey of my football game career. I wasn't happy with the limited WordPress paid plan with the themes they provided. My writing took a back seat and didn't realise it was the essence of my blog.

I didn't write for a few years but always wanted to build one. I came across Wix, Squarespace and a few others and these platforms were perfect for my needs. Or, that's what I thought. Squarespace was expensive and The paradox of choice from Wix.

I came across Vindya's, Aamna's and Manas's blogs online, while reading about products. I wanted something similar on my site. I read Aamna's blog post and tried the Jekyll template. It was time-consuming but discovered markdown, atom text editor, GitHub etc. I wrote my first product teardown article and, to host it on Jekyll was not simple. It was frustrating and didn't enjoy the process of getting my content online quickly.

My friend introduced me to a simpler solution, Notion x Fruition and found it the most convenient way to build a website and share it on the internet. It took me less than 15 minutes to add pages on Notion, create a Cloudflare account, connect both and voila, I had my website ready.

I can now focus on writing and do it consistently.

That's how this happened. Yay!